Camera Lenses
Lenses can divided roughly into 2 format fixed focal length or zoom lens. The first one is the traditional lens that have been used since the birth of the camera while the later one were just create in roughly 20 years ago. Currently zoom lenses have now dominate the market because of it relatively low price and usuability
Zoom lenses, as the name suggest, permit cameraman to adjust the focal length of the lenses. So the first advantage of zoom lenses is people don't need to move the position when they taking photo , well, if the target is within range anyway. The second advantage of zoom lenses over fix focal lenses is they usually occupied image stabilization(IS) function. This function make a physical movement to compensate the handshake occur by photo taker. Some excellent zoom lenses or pro lenses can yield up to 4 stops for their IS feature. By the way the name of this feature vary from brand to brand for Canon it's IS, for Nikon it's vibrate reduction (VR) and for Sony is optical steady shot (OSS) and so on. Just keep in mind that all of this is the same feature.
Although Zoom lenses have been prominent lenses for most users but fix focal length lenses are preferred by enthusiastic or professional users. Fix focal length lenses have many advantage than zoom lenses. I think that the difficulty of taking photo with fix focal lenses (photographer need to move their feet instead of their hand) make beginner or most users prefer zoom lenses over them.
The first advantage of fix focal length lenses over zoom lenses is weight and size. Fix focal length lenses that don't fall into pro-grade lenses are very compact and light in the same relative aparture (F Value). Canon 50 F1.8 weigh only 200-300 gram and its size is very minimal compare to Canon 17-55 F2.8 which has 1/2 stop darker in light transmit but weigh twice the Canon 50 F1.8.
The second advantage is, generally, image quality produced by the fix is better than zoom lens. This also the consequence of the physical properties of the lenses as the fix have room or space for engineer to place the glass in the more proper position and more glass to diffract the light. Some people consider this advantage so much that they not even lend their hands on zoom lens at all. Professional photographer especially wedding photographer usuallly have a collection of fix focal length lenses and use them one by one depend on the situation.
The third and last advantage (that I can think of or I think it's significant enough) is its relative price to F (aperture) ratio. F value represent the amount of light that can transmit through lens to the sensor. The lower, the brighter. Low F value lenses are useful in low light ambience and bokehish image(out of focus blur). The lowest F value that zoom lens currently produced is F2.8 compare with F0.95 that the fix lenses can go. You think that this value is insignificantly different? You are wrong! F0.95 can capture light about 3 times the F2.8 and that's mean 3 stops.
In conclusion, if you plan to buy yourself a good new lens. Please considering these factors before you buy. Actually you better try it and you will know what type of you are, fix guy or zoom guy. For me I kinda fix & zoom guy.
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